Thursday, January 25, 2024

Divine Laws to “become Guru means teacher”


"Divine Laws to “become Guru means teacher”

“you can become gurus, means teachers, and you should act as teachers” July 20th, 2008

Divine Laws

Based talks below:
En masse realization is called Maha Yoga.
Individual realization is called Sahaja Yoga.

Based talks below, Divine’s Law for Guru means teachers:
  • Teachers must be able to use Maha Yoga awareness, en masse method in giving realization
“But you have be able to give en-masse realization, then only you can be a guru. If you can
give en-masse realization then you could be a guru”.
...but realization you have to give and try to give mass realization. If that doesn’t work out
then you should know you are not a guru. If you can give mass realization, then only you are
a guru. Otherwise you are not. I said you can use my photograph but you have to give
realization to people. This is the sign of a guru”...July 20th, 2008
“We have one more — Mahayoga Dayini. En masse yoga. See, en masse”.
...“But today Sahaja has gone into the stage called as Maha Yog. Means it has become
a en-masse. It works en-masse. Before it used to work in one person, two persons, you
see – like one flower becoming a fruit in the beginning of the tree. But today the situation
is such that thousands can get realization. It’s Maha Yoga. Sahaja Yoga has matured into
Maha Yoga. Maha means the great”
...”Now the time has come, some people might say that “How is it? Self  realization was
meant for one or two people”. It is true. At the time of Rama, his father in law, Janaka, gave
realization to one fellow called as Nachiketa; but this was 8000 years back. Today the time
has come, the blossom time has come and everybody has to get realization. It is a Maha Yoga.
Sahaja Yoga has become a Maha Yoga, is a great yoga”...October 9th, 1981
...“Now in Sahaja Yoga which is described by all the great saints, today the time has come for
it to become a Maha Yoga. It has to become a Maha Yoga Gyaneshwara has described it ,
that a day will come that Sahaja will become Maha, means you will have a mass realization,
a mass thousands will get realization”...


Based talks below, Divine’s Law for Guru means teachers:
  • Must use Shri Mataji photograph everywhere, which was approved by Shri Mataji.
…“That doesn’t mean you cancel me, no not at all. I am there with you and every place you work you
put my photograph”...
...But you can tell about Me, if it is necessary, but use My photograph. Every time you have a meeting,
use My photograph”...July 20th, 2008
“They used of picture of mine taken by a yogini, it had horrible vibration they used that in PP and all
boots came to program”.
Based talks below, Divine’s Law for Guru means teachers:
  • Can start with group but should do Individually
First of all, you can use a group if you want and afterwards, you should do it individually. Can you
imagine all of you, if you become gurus, how many sahaja yogis we’ll have all over the world?...
July 20th, 2008

...For example, I don't normally like sopranos very much -- the way they go on ... "Hoh, hoh, hoh ..."
All sopranos are not good, but there's so many, like Elizabeth Schwartzkopf, have you heard of her?
Oh, she's a genius, she's a genius, I tell you. Oh, what a beauty she is.
So, then the thing -- everyone who is a Sahaja Yogi is not good, and you need not bother about every
Sahaja Yogi: keep company with the people who are good Sahaja Yogis, who are surrendered, who
are humble, who are collective. Start forming a group of Mother; this is My group, which is absolutely
surrendered to Me, and those who are not bothered about other things. Such a group should be formed
, gradually this group will gather and this surrender group will come together, and you'll be
amazed -- you'll create a beautiful [INAUDIBLE]. This is how it should work out; try to keep to people
who talk good of Sahaja Yoga, who talk about Sahaja Yoga, who think about Sahaja Yoga, who work
out Sahaja Yoga, and a group can be formed. And forget all others; just forget. You have no duty to
them, you owe no relationship to them: you are here for Sahaja Yoga and you are not going to sacrifice
it for anything whatsoever...August 15th, 1981
Based talks below, Divine’s Law for Guru means teachers:

  • best to wear badge in public programs
"You have to live in the society, you don’t have to have exclusive society where we enjoy bhajans and
things – that’s over now. I mean, of course we’ll always have bhajans, it doesn’t mean that. But you
have to go beyond. Not only to be involved only in your own problems which are being now solved,
so only in Sahaja Yoga, but Sahaja Yogis; but you have to go all out, meet other people, tell them
about Sahaja Yoga. The best is to wear badges so people ask, “Who is this?” – then you can talk to
them, your friends, your society. You don’t have to give up anything, don’t have to give up anything.
You are detached”...
Based talks below, Divine’s Law for Guru means teachers:
  • Should not charge or make money
“You have got it free and you also have to give it to people free – not to charge them”.
July 20th, 2008

Based talks below, Divine’s Law for Guru means teachers:

  • Unless and until you have a bhaitak you cannot be a guru.
There’s an Indian word for which we call it: a ‘bhaitak’ here. I don’t know, there is no English equal to that. But bhaitak means the power to sit: that’s the gravity within you. How long can you sit in one posture, what is your bhaitak. Like any studies or anything they’ll ask, “What is your bhaitak?” “Have you got the bhaitak?” Is the power to be seated on one point: how long you can sit continuously. That is how you judge your gravity. Unless and until you have a bhaitak you cannot be a guru.  July 8th, 1979
Based talks below, Divine’s Law for Guru means teachers:

  • Teacher's life should be absolutely transparent
...“Now, for a Guru as you have seen that, in My own way, in My own image, you have to come up.
First of all your life should be absolutely transparent. Transparency is the essence of Sahaja Yoga.
Everybody should know what you are doing, where you are going, what is the way you live, what is
the way you are behaving”... July 8th, 1990
Rights and privileges

“you can start your own organization, or whatever you may call, and can work it out”.
July 20th, 2008

Based on above talk
  • Forming a new organization
  • Call organization by whatever name
“Now you have the power, you have the right” July 20th, 2008

Based on above talk
  • Teachers have right and permission from Divine.
I want to give you a complete freedom to spread Sahaja Yoga. You have got it free and you
also have to give it to people free – not to charge them. July 20th, 2008

“I just want that you should spread Sahaja Yoga”.
 "so I’m telling you that you have to take over and work it out". July 20th, 2008

Based on above talk
  • Teachers have complete freedom to spread Shri Mataji’s work
  • Teachers are protected by divine laws. And are beyond controlling authority of SY leaders or system


Summary of Divine Laws and Privileges, to become a Guru (means Teacher)
Divine Laws for Gurus (teachers)
  • Must be able to use Maha Yoga awareness, en masse method in giving realization
  • Must use Shri Mataji photograph everywhere and must use approved Photograph
  • Can start with group but should do Individually
  • best to wear badge in public programs
  • Should not charge or make money
  • Unless and until you have a bhaitak you cannot be a guru.
  • Teacher's life should be absolutely transparent
Rights and privileges that Shri Mataji granted to all Yogis
  • Forming a new organisation
  • Call organisation by whatever name
  • Teachers have right and permission from Divine.
  • Teachers have complete freedom to spread Shri Mataji’s work
  • Teachers are protected by divine laws. And are beyond controlling authority of SY leaders or system

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